Route 151
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River Bluff
River Bluff is dramatically sited at the base of the mountains, on a steep bank overlooking the south fork of the Rockfish River. River Bluff stands on a tract of land owned by Alexander Reid, Jr., until 1779, when he sold it to Nathaniel Clarke. While the exact building date cannot be determined, the plan … Read more
Riverside Farm
Riverside is a 300-acre working farm in Roseland that was part of a land grant to Robert Rose in 1744. Dr. George Cabell bought the original 537-acre farm from Rev. Rose. Later, it followed a change in ownership from Dr. Cabell’s heirs to James A. Goodwin in 1831. The property was later owned by James … Read more
Mac’s Country Store
Almost 60 years in operation. Best Fried Chicken in the Loop. Deli open: 6:00 am – 6:00 pm Specialty: Fried chicken and fresh hamburgers Antiques sold within the store. 7023 Patrick Henry Hwy, Roseland, VA 22967 (434) 277-5305